Website under construction!

As you can see, I’ve removed all of the pages on my website as the information is inaccurate. I will be revamping my commission information and entire website when things have settled down. I am still in the process of refunding many orders.

If you are looking to commission me or are looking for my prices, please contact me via Twitter @ Aspenumbra for information about this! Commission availability is very limited for the time being.

— Amuro

Addressing some changes.

Due to the pandemic causing a number of delays in my schedule, and the tornadoes that came through my town, I will not be offering normal traditional art commissions for the foreseeable future. I have a waitlist that is only available to clients I have been refunding due to these events.

If I open for a traditional art commission while the pandemic is still ongoing, clients on my waitlist that live within the US will be contacted first. I will only be able to have one traditional commission on my queue at one time. I will not be taking international orders for traditional art commissions at all until the pandemic is over. I have shipped artwork internationally and the clients still haven’t received them due to pandemic delays, so this is a risk I’d rather not take.

I’m heavily limiting how many commissions I have at one time. I will be focusing heavily on streams and digital art so that I can finish the art in one sitting rather than keeping long queues. It’s a pretty significant change in how I do things and I’m kind of excited about it. It’s nice to be able to chat with people and streams help me to stay focused.

As much as I didn’t want to make refunds, because I know there are people who are likely disappointed by this, this was the best decision that I could make for both my clients and myself. I had too much on my plate and I’ve been very stressed out with the major events that have happened. I wasn’t producing quality work — in fact I’ve not been able to produce much of anything at all. I am working to create a balance between my work and my real life so that I can go back to things being somewhat normal again. I’m thankful for those who understand my situation and accept my decision to make these changes.

I won’t be closed for traditional art forever. The waitlist exists to give refunded clients the opportunity to buy art from me again when things are a little better. When the pandemic is over, my business will go back to the way it used to be. People will have the opportunity to buy traditional art from me, and I’ll have better management skills lol. Of course, this is assuming that my business will continue to thrive during these hard times. I am hopeful. ❤

— Amuro

New look!

Hello everyone! I’ve finally given my website a clean update. My prices are currently being re-worked and I am making some changes to my Terms of Service. I’m currently moving and will have some new content available once I’m settled at the new place.

— Victoria